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Hulse, S.V., and E.L. Bruns. (2024). The emergence of nonlinear evolutionary trade-offs and the maintenance of genetic polymorphisms. Biology Letters. 120 (20), 20240296


ME Hood, Bruns, E. L., Antonovics, J.  Davis, I., Launi, M. Bulzoni, S., and S. Rothberg. (2024). Genetic independence of naturally correlated variation in resistance to endemic and novel pathogens. Ecology Letters. 27 (10), e14553


Carasso, V.  Bruns, E. L., J Antonovics, J. and  M. E. Hood. (2024). Soil seed bank of the alpine endemic carnation, Dianthus pavonius Tausch (Piedmont, Italy), a useful model for the study of host–pathogen dynamics. Plants. 13 (17), 2432


Chen, D.V.*, Slowinski, S.P., Kido A.K., and E. L. Bruns. (2024). High temperatures reduce growth, infection, and transmission of a naturally occurring fungal plant pathogen. Ecology. 105 (8), e4373


Hood, M. E., Nelson, S. and Cho, J-H., Launi, M., Antonovics, J. and E. L. Bruns. (2023). Quantitative disease resistance in wild Silene vulgaris to its endemic pathogen Microbotryum silenes-inflatae. Ecology and Evolution.13: e10797


Hulse, S., Antonovics, J., Hood, M.E., and E.L. Bruns. (2023). Host-pathogen coevolution promotes the evolution of general, broad-spectrum resistance and reduces foreign pathogen spillover risk. Evolution Letters. 7:467-477.

Hulse, S., Antonovics, J., Hood, M.E., and E. Bruns. 2023.Specific resistance prevents the evolution of general resistance and facilitates disease emergence. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. Early view, 1– 11.

Jiranek J, Miller IF, An R, Bruns E, and J.C. Metcalf. 2023. Mechanistic models to meet the challenge of climate change in plant–pathogen systems. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 378: 2022001720220017.


LJ Buckingham, EL Bruns, B Ashby. 2023. The evolution of age-specific resistance to infectious disease. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 290: 20222000.


J Antonovics, CR Amoroso, E Bruns, M Hood. 2022. Host density shapes the relative contribution of vector‐based and aerial transmission of a pathogenic fungus. Ecology, e3970


LH Uricchio, EL Bruns, ME Hood, M Boots, J Antonovics. 2022. Multimodal pathogen transmission as a limiting factor in host distribution. Ecology, e3956.


EB Bruns, ME Hood, J Antonovics, IH Ballister*, SE Troy*, JH ChoCan disease resistance evolve independently at different ages? Genetic variation in age‐dependent resistance to disease in three wild plant species. Journal of Ecology 110: 2046-2061

Bruns, E.L., Antonovics, J. and Hood, M.E. (2021), From generalist to specialists: Variation in the host range and performance of anther-smut pathogens on Dianthus. Evolution.

Lerner,N.  Luizzi, V. Antonovics, J. Bruns,E.L. and M E. Hood (2021) Resistance correlations influence infection by foreign pathogens. The American Naturalist 2021 198:2, 206-218

Bruns, E., Pierce, L., Antonovics, J., and Hood, M.. 2021. Vector preference and heterogeneity in host sex ratio can affect pathogen spread in natural plant populations. Ecology 102( 3):e03246. 10.1002/ecy.3246

Bruns, E. Miller, I*, Hood, M.E., Carasso, V., and Antonovics J. (2019) The role of infectious disease in the evolution of females: Evidence from anther‐smut disease on a gynodioecious alpine carnation. Evolution. 73: 497-510.

Bruns, E. (2019) Effects of host lifespan on the evolution of age-specific resistance: a case study of anther-smut disease on wild carnations. Chapter for ‘Wildlife Disease Ecology: Linking Theory to data and application’ Eds. Wilson, K., Fenton, A., and Tompkins, D.  (In Press)​

Bruns, E., Antonovics J., and Hood, M.E. (2018) Is there a disease-free halo at species range limits? The co-distribution of anther-smut disease and its alpine host species. Journal of Ecology Doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.13009


Ashby, B. and Bruns, E. (2018) The evolution of juvenile susceptibility to infectious disease. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 285: 20180844.


Antonovics, J., Abbate, J., Bruns, E., Fields, P., Forrester, N., Gilbert, K., Hood, M.E., Park, T., and Taylor. (2018) Effect of anther-smut disease caused by the fungal pathogen Microbotryum on the pre-flowering growth of its host Silene latifoliaAmerican Journal of Botany 105: 1088–1095.


Tyson, D.*, Antonovics, J. and Bruns, E.  (2018) Anther-smut disease caused by Microbotryum on berry campion Silene baccifera: endemic pathogen or host-shift? Plant Pathology Doi: 10.1111/ppa.12 910


Bruns, E., Hood, M.E., and Antonovics, J.  (2017) Transmission and temporal dynamics of anther-smut disease (Microbotryum) on alpine carnation (Dianthus pavonius). Journal of Ecology, 105: 1413-1424.


Alexander HM, Bruns E, Schebor H, and Malmstrom CM. (2017) Crop-associated virus infection in a native perennial grass: reduction in plant fitness and dynamic patterns of virus detection. Journal of Ecology. 105: 1021-1031.

Petit E., Silver, C., Cornille, A., Gladieux, P.  Rosenthal, L., Bruns, E., Yee, S., Antonovics, J., Giraud, T., Hood, M.E. (2017) Co-occurrence and hybridization of anther-smut pathogens specialized on Dianthus hosts. Molecular Ecology. 26: 1877–1890.


Miller, I* and Bruns, E.  (2016) The effect of disease on the evolution of females and the genetic basis of sex in populations with cytoplasmic male sterility. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 283: 20153035.

Bruns, E.  (2016) Fitness Costs of Plant Disease Resistance. eLS.1-11.


Bruns, E., Hood, M.E., and Antonovics, J.  (2015) Resistance evolution and polymorphism in long- and short-lived hosts. Evolution. 69: 551-560

Bruns, E., Carson, M.L., and May, G.  (2014) The Jack of all trades is master of none:  a pathogen’s ability to infect a greater number of host genotypes comes at a cost of delayed reproduction. Evolution. 68: 2453-2466.


Bruns, E., Carson, M.L., and May, G.  (2012) Pathogen and host genotypes differently affect pathogen life-history stages. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 12: 135


Asplen, M., Bruns E., David, A., Denison, R.F., Epstein, B., Kaiser, M.C., Kaiser, J.M., Lacroix, C., Mohl, E., Quiram, G., Prescott, K., Stanton-Geddes, J., Vincent, J., Wragg, P., and May, G.  (2011) Do Trade-offs have explanatory power for the evolution of organismal interactions? Evolution. 66: 1297-1307

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